Monday, May 7, 2012

Outside the Box: SPICEY Addition

Okay, so I am sorry, I am a little SUPER late on this post!  But, alas, I am a busy woman.  So, here it is.  Last month the theme was McCormick spice packet- any flavor.  Not that it should be a shock to anyone, but almost all of the dishes used Taco seasoning- quite possibly the only one anyone uses on a regular basis.  While at the meeting I was informed that there were Italian varieties as well- WHAT THE WHAT?  I would have totally gone that route had I known!  Well, with that being said, this was the closest vote in Outside The Box history- we actually had a tie!  So, after revotes, the winner was....... ME!  What?!  The one time I just throw something together and don't really try I win?!  Go figure.. lol.  So, this recipe will look familiar because I have posted it before, but the great thing is I have made it even EASIER!!  (super good and super easy=double bonus!)  The only spices you add are the taco seasoning packet (I know, I should have been more original).  Without further delay, here is the winning recipe from last month:

Enchilada Soup
1 large can enchilada sauce
1 can black beans
2 cans chicken broth
1 (costco size) can shredded chicken
8 oz velveeta
8 oz cream cheese
3 cups crushed chips
1 packet taco seasoning
Put enchilada sauce, broth, velveeta and cream cheese in a large pot and bring to a boil.  Simmer until cheese is melted.  Add the rest of the ingredients and cook on low for 30-60 minutes.  Serve hot with cheese, cilantro, sour cream and a warm tortilla- YUM! :)
Which also means I got to choose this months theme!!!  So, just to make it interesting, I chose another item that will result in appetizers, main dishes, and desserts.  This months Outside the Box theme is:
BISQUICK!!  (ok, applause over)
Rules: there are no rules!!  Just use bisquick in your dish, no minimum or maximum, just do it!

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